Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spiritual disciplines of a Bible believing Christian

I am working on "back to the basics" for our small group and what are the typical disciplines of a Christian that is growing and serving God, this is what I found:
Prayer/Fasting- time to pray (ACTS- Adoration- praising God for who he is, Confession-ask for forgivness of your sins, Thanksgiving, Supplication- praying for others & yourself)and listen to God/ just being still & fasting to draw closer to God in that process

Spiritual Growth and Bible study- reading and understanding and even memorizing God's word (keep it in your heart)

Fellowship with other Believers in church and small groups

Tithing/Giving to further God's kingdom and ministries that support this

Serving-using your God given gifts to serve at church or in ministry or in the community

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