Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kids and chores...many hands lightens the LOAD!

I am a big supporter of raising up "boys who will be good hubbies" and one important area is helping around the house and if that is just a "normal" thing my boys are doing then when they are married it will be second nature. If everyone does their part the fact is moms are less exhausted, frustrated, overworked and actually have MORE time to sit and play games and have fun with the family! If mom is just running around like a "chicken with their head cut off" and does EVERYTHING for everyone, this is a disservice to your kids and their growth... I like to call them "martyer moms" doing everything and not accepting or asking for help and the results are they never have any time to what the kids really want from them....which is more of mom, their time and attention... so do your future daughter-in-laws a favor and raise up men that are good helpers, team players and men that contribute to the home. I am working on a chore chart to take the "nag" out of chores...coming soon.

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